Fulfilling the "Creative" Bucket List -The Creative Universe is a vast, magical place...What will YOU reach out and bring back from the Creative Realm? What are your stars? What inspires you? Calls to you? What does your map of the stars look like? How do you travel there? What creative medium feels just right to you? Or are you still searching? Need a place to start? Read/Listen to this post and download two worksheets that might help!
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Align Your Stars
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Fulfilling the "Creative" Bucket List -The Creative Universe is a vast, magical place...What will YOU reach out and bring back from the Creative Realm? What are your stars? What inspires you? Calls to you? What does your map of the stars look like? How do you travel there? What creative medium feels just right to you? Or are you still searching? Need a place to start? Read/Listen to this post and download two worksheets that might help!