The Creative Universe is a vast, magical place. When I start drawing or painting, something mystical happens. It’s like I’m reaching into another realm, grasping at something shimmery, and pulling it into this world. A drawing, painting, or creative thing that didn’t exist until now. Our world thrives on judgment. We make rules. We criticize ourselves. We hold our experiences to a certain standard. We measure our success and dwell on our failures. We wonder and worry what others will think of this new creative “thing”. However, creativity lives by different rules. No rules. Creativity is free. Creativity is open. Creativity is never wrong and it’s always available. It’s like our dreams, wild and untethered. Creativity doesn’t give a “hoot” about what anyone thinks. It is light. It is heavy. It is whatever it needs to be…and it feels good. In the end, it produces art that charms us all. Movies, music, dances, paintings, drawings, video games, books, trinkets… an endless sea of different styles and tastes. ALL of it, food for someone’s soul. We judge what is on some one else’s plate and then gobble what’s on our own. As creatives, it is out of our hands how creativity manifests in this world. How it gets consumed or who it touches. We have the privilege of being interpreters even when we don’t know who’s listening. We just get to channel the magic and present it for someone who needs it. Harvested from the mystical Creative Realm.
I sometimes feel pulled in a multitude of creative directions. I want to draw. I want to sew. I want to paint. I want to write or make something out of clay. There is something in me, calling to something out there. “Where are you? Where do I find you today? We need to talk.” Creativity takes many forms, it is always ready to lead, and shows the way. It knows how to connect the missing pieces inside of me with something undefinable and supernatural. Sometimes I’m just playing, practicing, experimenting, warming up, indulging in therapy, and sometimes it feels important enough to share.
When you decide to live a life as a creator or a creative… It is not without effort. It is with uncertainty, obstacles, judgement, and bouts of insecurity. You are driving literally into an unknown space that no one really understands. You may know what vehicle you will drive. We love labels! “I am a painter.” “I am a dancer.” “I am a singer.” “I am a baker.” “I am a designer.” You may be an exceptional “driver”. Perhaps you’ve become an expert in your field, brilliant with your tools, and masterful at your trade. A prolific creative harvester. You are mapping out your own road and you even know what to do if you break down somewhere. Yet, the journey is all the same – you have invited the unpredictable, creative universe to guide you – anything can happen! Inspiration can strike like lightening or your work might build slowly like a growing storm. It might feel wild like a hurricane or as quiet as a whisper. Your job is to catch it none the less. Because I assure you, sometimes inspiration is illusive. It can feel like you’re stuck in a sand storm. Unfinished projects waiting to be completed.
We all start somewhere on this creative road. In your life, did you ever have a daydream or wish to be a creative? Something in you that said… “I really like this feeling.” “How cool would it be to be a sculptor.” “I wish I could have a shop selling jewelry.” “It would be fun to paint a mural.” “I’d love to write a book someday.” These dreams are stars in the vast sky above us. Dreams sparkling too far away to ever take seriously. Most of us ignore it and move on with our busy lives. What if you reached out and realized this star is but two inches away. All you had to do was act, sculpt, make, paint, or draw and the star would have just fluttered down to you, but instead you marveled at it from a far. None the wiser. For those of us that somehow dared to dream a bit longer, perhaps stumbled upon some luck, met an artist mentor, or found timely words of encouragement… we suddenly felt the warmth of these stars. Heard the wild invitation. From that moment on, no matter how much we might turn away, we will hear the call to something out there…in the Creative Universe. On the other side. Willing us to follow. To collect it. To present it to the world. However, there are obstacles in our way. Time, money, skills, and fear all play a part in keeping us from traveling the unknown. It’s helpful to map out the trip, but expect the unexpected. Be prepared and yet open to the process of aligning your stars. There is work to be done. There are seasons. There is time for exploring and time for resting. Lessons that make the harvest richer and the meal tastier.
What will YOU reach out and bring back from the Creative Realm?
What are your stars? What inspires you? Calls to you?
What does your map of the stars look like?
How do you travel there? What creative medium feels just right to you?
Or are you still searching? Need a place to start? I have two downloads for you that might help!
1. Creative Bucket List - Download HERE
What would you put on your Creative Bucket List? Where would you go? Who would you meet? What would you create? Manifest your dreams by writing them down. Set it into motion by sharing it with others!
Use the #CreativeBucketList #OnTheCreativeRoad if you’d like me to see it!
2. Align Your Stars - Download HERE
How do you align your stars and map out your goals? What do you need to get going? How can you take one step closer today? Break down your goals into smaller chunks so you can achieve them more easily. What are 3 steps for each goal that you can focus on right now?
Use the #AlignYourStars #OnTheCreativeRoad if you’d like me to see!
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